so because I've been learning japanese I decided to re-watch this childhood anime and unsurprisingly I started hyperfixating on it again !

problem is that since I'm watching it completely in japanese and my comprehension is not very good yet, I only know what the fuck is going on about half the time

I'd kill for him btw
I plan to re-watch it again once my comprehension improves but until then I probably won't participate in the fandom much. I can't really talk about something that I'm not understanding much of, right?
some of the words I've learned watching this anime include 練習 (practice), 監督 (coach), 命令 (order) and a bunch of useless soccer terms. fun !!
edit: so I finished this anime and what I thought would be a nice and chill childhood show ended up being a story that re-wired part of my brain and molded my soul.. on the bright side it was pretty helpful in helping me learn japanese

best ina11 character no criticisms allowed
I now have an obsession with tsunami (don't ask me why, I don't know either) and he became my absolute fave. fucking love this weirdo ocean freak. he's also totally brazilian if you ask me
I got so attached to someoka that when he didn't make it into inazuma japan at first I was SO UPSET and DEVASTATED that I had to look up if/when he came back cuz I thought I wouldn't see my boy ever again for the rest of the show and I was fucking losing it. I only managed to calm down after confirming when he would be coming back lol
my fave ships are engou and tachitsuna but there are others I like (and other characters I like too) but I'm too lazy to update this page properly so if you wanna know more or know my thoughts on specific characters/ships just ask me about it
I really wanna continue engaging with ina11 content (watch the sequels, play the games, read the mangas, etc.) but because I got sooo attached to the show I decided to wait until I'm at a higher level in japanese before I tackle the rest of the franchise, since now I care a lot about actually understanding what's going on. so my plan is to re-watch this anime in like a few years (the main plot wasn't very hard to follow but still I'm sure that a looot of details went over my head) and THEN go on to experience the rest of the franchise. I might post some fanart ? but probably no analysis or headcanon posts or anything because I'm too afraid to make the characters ooc
viewtiful joe is a capcom multimedia franchise that's been dormant since 2005. it started with a gamecube game, which then got a sequel, some spin-offs, an anime series...
anyway, I've been obsessed with it since I was a kid and for some reason I continue to be obsessed with it after so long, so I've already accepted this as my fate

I'm mostly a fan of the anime. it's a very silly show, but I still recommend it if you can understand portuguese or spanish (the eng dub is notoriously bad and the original in japanese is incomplete, because ofc this stupid anime from 2004 is lost media). the brazilian dub is very good
I also have a passion project to archive viewtiful joe stuff, if you'd like to check that out
a fandom I just kind of just left without saying anything. oops
I'll probably come back to it eventually though (maybe)

- bars robin
- andro m. jazz
- allocer schneider
- naberius kalego
- amy kiriwo
- irumi
- jazzllocer
- kalrobin (robinegg)
- kalrobibal (bird trio)
- robibal
- love trio
- soilied
- irusabro
- irusoi